Tag Archives: drinks

National Coffee Day

Ah, coffee: the only legalized ecstasy in the world.

It’s bitter. It’s sweet. It’s the only “good” in mornings. It has a hold on our souls.

Coffee is the #1 addiction in the world. So, of course, this special beverage gets its own day. Let’s celebrate all of the greatness surrounding coffee!

To the plain, black, bitter original. Thanks for keeping us focused for exams, papers, presentations, and life all together.coffee7

To the sophisticated, a tad sweet, iced coffees. Thank you for cooling us on those hot summer days, while simultaneously giving us a little buzz for the day. coffee1

To the lattes, cappuccinos, expressos, and macchiatos. Thank you for making us feel pretty while we drink you. Thank you for the artistic flare, the foamy froth, the acceptable moment for pinky-up sipping.


Thank you coffee for all the times we were mad at Starbucks for spelling our names wrong and making us think we have a speech impediment. The name is “Shayla”, but I guess it’s harder to sound out than I think.

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Thank you for the ability to show off our uniqueness through coffee mugs and traveling cups. Without these accessories, how else would we be able to express ourselves?


Thank you for the ability to flood our Instagram with these types of photos and annoy our followers. What could be a more perfect subject-matter than my feet and top of the coffee lid? Coffee, you are so photogenic.


And most importantly, thank you for initiating our intestinal processes for the day. We love having to rush to the bathroom moments after arriving to work. But it’s always worth it…anything for you, love.


We will be forever indebted to you, every single day of our decaffienated lives.


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