Tag Archives: food

#NationalDoughnutDay – Tampa Style

Everyone knows how eating a sweet is the best part of the day, but Tampa, Florida, is taking breakfast sweets to the next level. There are two doughnut shops in Tampa that have some major popularity among locals and are very worthy of it:

Datz Dough and the Mini Doughnut Factory


Datz opened its sweet shop, i.e. doughnut heaven, in 2011 and has already been featured in FYI’s “What the Fung”, Food Network Canada, and The Cooking Network’s “Doughnut Showdown.” Its claim to fame was the massive bacon-topped glazed doughnut. But, the originality does not stop there! Everything from cereal topped, birthday cake, red velvet, s’mores, blueberry, PB&J, and more keeps this dough shop popular. New creations are added often and some oldies make some repeat appearances when you least expect it! You never know what you will get when you walk it, which only makes it more acceptable to go there often.

But donuts is not the only specialty that Datz has up its sleeve! Holiday-themed lattes and blended beverages are offered. Lucky Charms Latte was one of my personal favorites. Also, I’m Irish, so I am probably a wee bit biased, but hey my vote still counts. There is always a classic Bacon Latte, Nutella Latte, and a Butterbeer Latte. Okay, my inner Harry Potter will briefly come out, and I’ll have to admit the Butterbeer is possibly tied for my favorite…

And lastly, Datz Dough has DOUGHNUT ICE CREAM CONES. You are welcome for officially making you hungry. There is literally nothing else to say except: genius.


(Obviously I feel no guilt eating Datz Doughnuts)

Next up on the Doughnut Tour a la Tampa is the Mini Doughnut Factory. As the name suggests, this place makes the cutest, petite-iest, tiniest donuts. And, that only means it is completely acceptable to eat more of them [obviously]. The fact that the donuts are tiny is not the only reason to check this place out; the toppings are where it’s at! Your taste buds will definitely appreciate the creativity here.

Some of the specialties include, but are not limited to: Nutella Churro, Cotton Candy, Peanut Butter Cup, S’mores, Fruit Loop, French Toast, and more. Like Datz, new ideas pop up all of the time. The best thing is that since the donuts are small, you can try multiple flavors at once without feeling guilty or forcing yourself to make such a stressful, soul-crushing, nail-biting, sweat-beaded-forehead decision of only choosing one doughnut. Basically, by my calculations, four donuts equal one, so you can try out four different tiny bites of goodness in one sitting. Gotta love math when it involves donuts.

You can buy these amazing babies anywhere from 3-packs to 25-packs and more! Perfect for parties, office celebrations, a quick breakfast for one (or two if you have to share), or dessert.

Like with Datz, the Mini Doughnut Factory has the classic coffees, lattes, and….. A DOUGHNUT MILKSHAKE. Think a milkshake is a glorious treat? Well, add a tiny doughnut on the straw and you have “holey” gloriousness. Ha ha, I’m so punny.


(Be jealous of my Cotton Candy Doughnut…be very jealous)


So in order to celebrate National Doughnut Day properly, head to one of these local shops and gorge on… I mean treat yourself with…. Tampa-style donuts.


Any other doughnut suggestions for Tampa? Comment below! Go #NationalDoughnutDay



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National Coffee Day

Ah, coffee: the only legalized ecstasy in the world.

It’s bitter. It’s sweet. It’s the only “good” in mornings. It has a hold on our souls.

Coffee is the #1 addiction in the world. So, of course, this special beverage gets its own day. Let’s celebrate all of the greatness surrounding coffee!

To the plain, black, bitter original. Thanks for keeping us focused for exams, papers, presentations, and life all together.coffee7

To the sophisticated, a tad sweet, iced coffees. Thank you for cooling us on those hot summer days, while simultaneously giving us a little buzz for the day. coffee1

To the lattes, cappuccinos, expressos, and macchiatos. Thank you for making us feel pretty while we drink you. Thank you for the artistic flare, the foamy froth, the acceptable moment for pinky-up sipping.


Thank you coffee for all the times we were mad at Starbucks for spelling our names wrong and making us think we have a speech impediment. The name is “Shayla”, but I guess it’s harder to sound out than I think.

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Thank you for the ability to show off our uniqueness through coffee mugs and traveling cups. Without these accessories, how else would we be able to express ourselves?


Thank you for the ability to flood our Instagram with these types of photos and annoy our followers. What could be a more perfect subject-matter than my feet and top of the coffee lid? Coffee, you are so photogenic.


And most importantly, thank you for initiating our intestinal processes for the day. We love having to rush to the bathroom moments after arriving to work. But it’s always worth it…anything for you, love.


We will be forever indebted to you, every single day of our decaffienated lives.


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National First Love Day

Today is one of the greatest celebrations of all time: National First Love Day.

I cannot even handle my emotions right now. I am very upset I only just learned this day was happening.

I’m so giddy to celebrate this celebration with my first love:

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Our relationship is quite diverse.

We have had our ups and downs. My first love has made me sick before, but we always make it through the tough times. Some of the time, my first love talks back to me. But that’s okay. I’ll always forgive you, my love.

My first love always puts a smile on my face, especially those cookie runs in the middle of the night. What a sweet (literally) memory.

Thank you for making me whole (and full) again. Thank you for the laughs. Thank you for the great times. Thank you for letting me eat you.


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Rawr. It’s Shark Week.


Well, folks, it is that time of year where everyone in their right mind becomes un-right. People’s minds get infested…like the oceans apparently…with sharks. This next week is one where people are so obsessed with teeth, Jaws, bites, and blood that this deserves its own holiday spot on calendars.

Even our pets are suffering from our sporadic infatuation of the bone-crunching monsters of the sea. If your cat or dog could speak to you, they wouldn’t…they would just slap you.

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What you could witness this week:

First, some of the clothing options become…special.

Some of the things people wear this week are “People of Walmart” level. You will start to see shark shirts and tanks everywhere for the next few days. It’s a yearly craze that cannot be stopped. You may as well stock up now for the rest of your life. However, sometimes the line between clothing and costumes gets blurred. If ‘normal’ clothes aren’t enough for you to show off your recently acclaimed fascination of sharks, try a costume. People dress up like it is Halloween, and yet no one questions is. It just proves you are extremely dedicated, like these here fine gentleman.

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What an odd placement of that shark tail on that costume…

Next comes shark-themed munchies at your neighborhood Shark-Week-party. These snacks go above and beyond in making you lose your appetite. Ah, the site of blood really makes me hungry. Thanks for now ruining food for me, Discovery Channel.

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I can no longer eat watermelon without a little gag first.

Then come all of the facts that completely reverse the idea of shark week. See, by making a 7-day event on just sharks, it would seem that the oceans are crowded with them and shark attacks happen on the daily. Then, you find out that none of this is actually true. Thus, the entire premise of this week is reversed. We are simultaneously becoming terrified yet calmed. Thanks for the emotional confusion, Discovery Channel!


So turn on the TV and start your week. We all get sucked into this non-official holiday. It’s time to re-live your childhood fears of going into the water at the beach. It’s time to have Jaws nightmares again. It’s time to watch TV in a cold sweat.

It’s officially Shark Week!


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