Category Archives: Jobs

7 Thoughts Starting a New Job

Now that you have graduated, starting a new job is a lot harder than you think. Some of us have to work jobs made for high schoolers, in fact some of your supervisors could be younger than you. Some of us have to work meaningless jobs at the lowest level possible. Some of us will get jobs that put us way in over our head. Others will have jobs that make us question our entire life so far. However, there are 7 thoughts that will go through your head when you start this new job after undergrad. Whatever the level of the work, intern or career, you will have these thoughts and probably some of these facial expressions, too.

First, it may not be the prettiest job in the world, but it will pay the bills…kind of.


Second, you will forget what it is like to have major responsibilities


Third, you will be so over the cliques already in place at your workplace. 


Fourth, you will realize you don’t care to make new friends.


Fifth, you will realize no amount of money is enough for you at this point.


Sixth, the drive to work will be really dreadful and no music can help. 


Seventh, you will be so jealous of the young, hopeful interns and realize how uncool you are now.


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Filed under GIFs, Graduates, Humor, Jobs, Post Grad, Twentysomethings, Work Life