Tag Archives: hearts

Why I actually need a boyfriend 

It is almost Valentine’s Day everyone, and we all know what that means: a day of constant reminders that we are in fact still single. Looking at all of the cute couples posting photos of their nice dinners out, flowers, champagne glasses, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, etc., I actually only think of the practical reasons I would need a significant other. 

I mean I can buy myself a whole bottle of champagne. My mom gets me chocolates. And my dad can send me flowers….if I ask him….and then remind him again….and then again. But still, I don’t need a man for all of that. 

I don’t need a guy for anything romantic. 

Not to tell me I’m beautiful because I am…on the inside. 

Not to hold my hand because I tend to not see cracks in the sidewalk and don’t need to take both of us down. 

Not to buy me chocolates because those are always on my weekly grocery list. 

Not to watch movies with because I get way too invested in the characters and get emotional…no one needs to see me like that. 
However, what I do need a boyfriend for is…

To pay for my meals  

To kill bugs for me 

To clip my jewelry together


To pay for my Netflix subscription


To remind me to pay my bills 


To drive my places


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Single and…..

Loving it? Ready to mingle? Depressed?

Whichever one of these ends that sentence for you, make sure it’s not the sadder version. Being in your twenties, many of my friends are getting engaged or even (*gasp*) have already gotten married. And here I am, lonely ‘ole me… and you. You remember that movie 27 Dresses? Well, I’m already at 2 and 1/2 (bridesmaid twice and invited to a third wedding). Although if I had 27 friends who would want me to be their bridesmaid, I’d be so proud that I may not ever worry about having my own wedding. You have to pay them all back and have 27 bridesmaids. What a pain that would be.

But seriously, I know you’re comparing yourself to all your friends who have a rock on their finger. I have sure have, but it’s not the road you want to go down. See I’ve thought about this long and hard. Here are my reasons:

1. You’re free to what you want when you want (you don’t need to fight with anyone on your plan for the weekend)

2. You can always eat what you want to eat for dinner (no compromises on TV dinners when you want Mexican food and he/she wants Chinese food)

3. You’ve been non-married/non-engaged for twenty-ish years, don’t panic because you have like 60 more years to be with a significant other. Stop being dramatic.

4.You have time to work on other relationships/friendships

5. Traveling with friends is just as fun as traveling with your significant other. So get out there and do something fun!

If you’ve just gotten out of a long relationship: “Don’t look back, you’re not going that direction anyway.”  I know it’s tough but you’re part of a great club of singles now, filled with potential and opportunities! You’re allowed to cry for a few days but don’t go crazy because that’s just a waste of life.

Don’t worry about your friends who are pairing up and leaving you as the awkward third wheel. They will be with the same person forever (or a long time) whereas you can explore and be experimental in dating. You can learn from your friends’ relationship mistakes so your future relationship will go smoothly. Be observant. Learn what you want in your significant other.

Also, if you push for a relationship, you will end up forcing something that is not meant to be. I know of people who are using certain apps and other ways of trying to meet people, but it’s in a desperate way. Please don’t do this or else you may end up regretting it. I’m a firm believer in things happening when they are supposed to happen. Do NOT lower your standards. This is one mistake that could be life-changing (and not in the good way). Stay strong and stubborn!

I do want my significant other for long romantic walks on the beach and picnics in the park, blah blah blah. But I know it’s not the time, so I’m waiting for the great guy to come along.

P.S. — Hey Prince Charming, get GPS and find your way to me a little quicker please.


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